Explore, Taste, and Preserve: Sustainable Travel Eats

Did you know that food production is responsible for roughly one-quarter of the world’s emissions, Surprising isn’t it? As forests are cleared to graze animals and grow crops, the carbon they store is released into the air. Food also produces carbon when it’s processed, packaged, transported, and refrigerated; and when we throw our uneaten food away, it creates harmful methane emissions as it rots in a landfill.

Nevertheless, at Upcycle Impact Tours we believe that with all the delicious and exotic food dishes to try during your travels, it’s hard not to over indulge while on vacation that’s the reason we suggest that you adjust your eating habits during your travels to reduce the carbon footprint as much as possible.

1. Eat the local cuisine

By eating local foods instead of imported ones, you’ll reduce the carbon footprint of your meal while also supporting the local economy and hence empowering the host communities. Additionally, you’ll get to experience the local food culture and enjoy some of the freshest cuisine at the tourism destination of your choice. How about that!We believe that from curries to pastas to vegetables, sea foods to wild options, every destination offers unique delicacies and tasty bites. When eating during your travels, take advantage of the opportunity to try all of the local dishes that you can’t get at home. Learn about the traditional cuisine, shop at local food markets, and dine at local restaurants that source their ingredients from local farmers and producers. Get out of your comfort Zone by avoiding imported foods that must be transported from far away and require more packaging and refrigeration to preserve them along the way and in this way your carbon foot print is reduced.

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